
The quality of teachers in an educational institution is a major factor in driving educational improvement. When the appropriate teachers are attracted and recruited, schools are able to build progressively and provide the best possible teaching and learning. Every student, regardless of age and ability, deserves a high-quality teacher. It is incumbent upon everyone involved to recruit the best teacher possible.
Finding teachers that fit your school culture and needs the best can be a difficult task. You will find here useful tips to attract high-potential candidates.



Although the world is becoming more and more online, personal contact is still irreplaceable.

We know you have more important tasks on your to-do list but sometimes it can be beneficial to engage in education-relatedevents or workshops in your area. This can become an abundant source of recruitment.

You should also consider hosting or organizingsuch events in your school or directly visiting universities and campuses of your preference and recruit on-site.

Personal contact is definitely the best way to get to know potential candidates –it is also crucial in order to verify whether they are agood fit for your school’s culture or not.

In case you are thinking about headhunting or recruiting via recommendations, opt for personal contact. Showing real interest is the most convincing factor – instead of e-mailing your serious candidates, call them directly, and schedule one-to-one meetings.


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