A case study is a very effective way to test the candidates by giving them a concrete problem to solve.We recommend choosing some common difficultsituations which have happened in your school.
Naturally, the school should review candidates’ teaching skills before hiring them.
There are a myriad of ways to do it – we list three most commonly used which guarantee most effective results. Feel free to choose the one you find suitable:
Sample lesson plan
Ask the candidate to prepare the lesson plan for a chosen topic. It can also be a good practical activity if you give applicants more time to prepare in advance. In case you want to make it as part of the personal meeting, make sure thatthe assignment is not too big and your expectations are in line with the amount of time the candidate gets for the assignment. The important objective here is to see if the candidate is able to set a realistic goal and come up with effective methods and activities to achieve it.
Sample lesson
You want to see the candidate’s real teaching skills but not to involve the students? You can ask a few of your colleagues to play students. As the time is precious it does not have to be a full 45-minute lesson. You can limit the time for just 10-15 minutes. This is also great fun for your teachers.
Model Lesson
Teaching a lesson in the real class full of actual pupils of your school is a real test. However, during evaluation take into account the fact that the candidate had seen the children for the first time and they do not have any relationship with them yet.
(Bonus) Lesson observation
It might be a good idea to ask the candidate to observe a lesson taught by you or one of the school’s current teachers. Even though you would not get much information about the candidate’s teaching skills, it might help the mutual understanding of school’s concept and standards. We recommend to reflect on the observation afterwards in order to see what is important for your candidate and how they approach their priorities in teaching.
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