Lesson observation

1. to have a tool for teacher actions relfection
2. to define standards of good teaching
3. to be able to track teachers’ progress

Teachers, school leadership

Lesson observations – perfect tool for reflection

Methodology and timing

  1. During observation, the observer tracks evidence of individual teacher actions (and childrens’ reactions) [whole lesson]
  2. During lesson reflection, both teacher and observer go through all teacher actions and try to categorize them pursuant to the rubric. Observer and teacher debate each specifically but also look at the whole picture. [aprox. 1 hour]
  3. It is important to specifically highlight which teacher actions were of greatest quality and which require more support. [10’]
  4. After the reflection, make sure to record teacher’s scores and next steps to be made. [10’]
  5. Track teacher’s progress regularly


  1. Make sure everyone is on the same page on the content of the rubric
  2. Gather and provide evidence for every claim
  3. Use the rubric to set expectations and next steps for the teachers both individually but also as a way to set standard expectations on teachers at your school (eg every teacher needs to gain BP in every single category 2 times a school year minimum etc)

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