A wide literature exists concerning successful and efficient school leaders and many countries have realized the importance of investing in school leadership support systems. The job evolves. It is no more limited to bureaucratic functions and it includes pedagogical and entrepreneurial functions. But despite the higher expectations of school leaders, it seems that the most received little formal or structured preparation for the job. And this depends from a country to another.
Competence matrix
To be able to define a job profile and develop a first draft of the competence profile, we have looked for information in different available sources. In all the sources we have to look for the following basic information:
- What is the main role of a headmaster?
- What is the required level of knowledge?
- What are the needed qualifications?
- What experience is required to do the job?
- What is the scope of responsibilities of headmasters?
In the following document you can find first draft of the competence matrix for a headmaster position: