The project ERASMUS + KA2 Strategic Partnershipréf.2018-1-BE01-KA201-038564 CERTI4Headmasters is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and coordinated by Teach for Belgium (TFB). The Project Steering Committee further consists of Teach for Slovakia (TFS), Teach First Deutschland (TFD) and Foundation EFCoCert (European Foundation for Competence Certification).
Project partners
TFB, TFS and TFD are nonprofit organizations involved in recruiting and training graduates and professionals over a two-year commitment to teach in their nations’ high-need classrooms and exert leadership. The three organizations are part of Teach for All, a global network of 49 independent partner organizations, including 16 partners across Europe. Along with TFB, TFS and TFD one ambassador school from each country is part of the project team. Institut de la Sainte Famille d’Helmet in Brussels, ZŠ Kecerovce in Slovakia and Quinoa in Berlin help the Steering Committee organise the project.
Project coordinator
Project steering committee
Ambassadors schools
Partner schools
Centre Scolaire Eperonniers Mercelis, Brussels
Don Bosco Sint-Pieters-Woluwe Brussels
Institut Saint-Joseph, Brussels
122. Grundschule „Am Palitzschhof“,
121. Oberschule „Johann
Georg Palitzsch“,
Regenbogenschule Satrup, Mittelangeln
ZŠ s MŠ M.R. Štefánika, Budimír
ZŠ Spišský Štvrtok, Spišský Štvrtok
ZŠ s MŠ Veľké Leváre, Veľké Leváre
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